Interning at a Real Estate Private Equity Developer Firm — My Takeaways

From how I landed the internship to the pros and cons

Branden Bedoya
6 min readAug 6, 2022

Crazy about working in Private Equity, with developers, or general real estate? I got a taste of what it’s like over a ~4-month period.

First, some context — Project Destined, an undergraduate program

I was introduced to an undergraduate program that pays undergrad students to learn about commercial real estate and connects students with partners to land internships/jobs at top real estate companies. This program was called Project Destined, which I absolutely recommend for any students looking to learn more about the world of real estate.

Highlights of the program:

  • 3 months long, paid $150 per month
  • ~3–4 meetings per week
  • Lessons through their online portal and from live speakers at top companies on current commercial real estate topics

Here is a link to my Notion with all the high-level notes on what I learned through Project Destined

Project Destined’s partners

How Did You Land the Real Estate Private Equity Internship?



Branden Bedoya

Self Improvement | Business | Fitness | Tech | Experience @PaloAltoNetworks, @Google, and @Citigroup