How I Budget My Finances and Invest Like a Boss — Zoomer Edition

Branden Bedoya
10 min readJan 21, 2021
Stonks man ornament — r/wallstbets

Part two of this article — advanced strategies and tactics — is now available with reoccurring updates as I learn.

Financial freedom is the goal. Here’s a step-by-step guide with tools/strategies you can use to own your finances.

PS — I am not a registered Financial Advisor/Planner, these are just things that I use/have worked for me over the last few years.

Feel free to scroll through the bold headings to find the section that best applies to you. I will begin with a brief lesson on financial literacy, then some high-level steps to take to achieve financial goals, then some tools you can use, and lastly some investment strategies you can consider.

Don’t Know Where to Begin? Lost With All The Finance Jargon? Start Here

I’m gonna break down a few basic financial concepts and explain to them as I would to a 5-year-old. You need to understand the building blocks before you can make buildings :)

Budgeting — (Ideally) making sure you make more money than you spend.

Debt — How much money you owe someone (or someone owes you), which is almost always accompanied by…

